Witnessing the PA CONSULTING


Empowering | Aspirational | Inclusive


Before getting into the details, let's first hear the perspectives of both mentors and mentees on what constitutes a successful and impactful partnership. Understanding their outlook sets the stage for a deeper exploration.

Meet The Partners

PA Consulting

PA Consulting is a global consultancy, technology, and innovation firm offering expertise across various sectors including healthcare, consumer goods, government, and financial services. Known for its problem-solving approach and cutting-edge technology solutions, PA Consulting collaborates with businesses and governments to transform their operations, drive growth, and create a sustainable future.

Generation Success

We are Generation Success, an award-winning social enterprise committed to empowering young individuals, particularly from diverse backgrounds, to achieve their career aspirations. Our core activities encompass mentoring, career empowerment, partnering with corporations, recruitment and hosting professional development events.

The Challenge

There has been a growing need for guided career paths and professional development support amongst the young people in the community, especially for those from underrepresented backgrounds. The partnership with PA Consulting was established as a response to that community challenge, with a goal to leverage the experience of PA staff and support the programme designed by Generation Success.
The general challenge was to bridge the gap between the potential of selected individuals and the opportunities available in the careers world. We have tasked ourselves to equip young professionals with skills and knowledge to be equally competitive in the job market as their peers.

Solution & Approach

The solution involved a strategic approach, focusing on regular assessments and check-ins with student participants of the Success Seeker Programme. By understanding the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of each individual, we were able to tailor the mentorship to be more effective.
The partnership with PA Consulting enabled us to gain insights into market trends and corporate expectations, which helped in aligning the programme with real-world demands. The process included continuous feedback, adjustment of strategies, and an emphasis on practical skills and networking opportunities.

Results & Impact

The collaboration between Generation Success and PA Consulting has yielded remarkable results through its mentoring programme. Here are some key outcomes and impacts:

Mentoring Cohorts

The programme has successfully run three cohorts, each comprising 40 participants. In total, 120 mentees have been connected with mentors, benefiting from 6 months of tailored guidance and support in each cohort.

Impact on Participants

After completing the program, a significant 67.5% of mentees reported an increase in confidence when applying for jobs and progressing to the interview stage compared to before. 

Special Event Recognition

On the 5th of October, a special event was held to celebrate the individuals involved in the partnership. This event not only acknowledged the efforts of everyone involved but also showcased the inspiring journeys and life-changing impacts made on the participants.

Skill Upscaling

The mentor-mentee dynamics have significantly elevated skills, equipping mentees with practical insights and knowledge crucial for their career trajectories. This skill upscaling reflects in their professional progress and achievements.

Personal Testimonials

PA Consulting mentees have expressed profound gratitude towards their mentors for the impactful guidance received. Mentors too shared their sense of fulfillment in contributing to the professional growth of their mentees.

Brand Awareness

Throughout the programme, our efforts to showcase progress and successes have significantly boosted PA Consulting's brand awareness. This public recognition has positioned them as a socially responsible entity further solidifying their reputation in the industry.

We solicited feedback from our mentees, and among the pool of 100 mentees who responded, here are the employment outcomes after participating in the mentorship program with PA Consulting:

- 65 successfully secured employment either during the mentorship period or shortly thereafter.
- 29 are actively pursuing employment opportunities.
- 6 are currently enrolled in university and are not currently engaged in job searching activities.

Successful Partnership Enhancing Equality & Inclusion

The mentorship programme has contributed to a more inclusive and equitable professional landscape, aligning with Generation Success’s mission of empowering young individuals from diverse backgrounds. These results demonstrate the success of the partnership between Generation Success and PA Consulting in creating meaningful and impactful opportunities for young people, fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and professional growth.

Equality Award Winner

In 2023, PA Consulting was honoured with the Equality Award for Best Mentoring Programme, a recognition of their exceptional commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace. The award acknowledges their efforts in guiding 120 mentees across three cohorts, providing impactful mentorship and fostering an environment where young individuals from diverse backgrounds can excel professionally. This accolade celebrates PA Consulting's dedication to creating equal opportunities and nurturing a diverse talent pool, making them a standout in their commitment to social responsibility and equality.


Become Part Of The Change!

Interested To Make A Positive Impact To Community?

If you are passionate about driving social change and fostering equality and want to make a meaningful impact in the lives of young individuals from diverse backgrounds, join us in our mission to bridge the gap between talent and opportunity, so we can create a more inclusive and equitable society. If you're interested in getting involved, whether it's through mentorship, partnership, volunteering, or any other form of support, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to this vital cause.

Your involvement is a significant step towards creating a better future for all. 

Fill out our contact form to start making a difference today. Let's drive positive change in our society.

Generation Success: Committed to Diversity, Driven by Excellence
At Generation Success, we’re more than just another organisation; we’re a community committed to diversity and excellence. 

Interested in learning more about how to get involved, or you have questions? If you have any questions, please call us on 020 4515 8092, email us at info@generation-success.com and we will get right back to you.


020 4515 8092
